Variant 1 - testing two possible palette direction
Variant 2
Although the Variant 1 was the main objective and the one as I present as final result, the version two was done mostly to explore a possible use with ingame background
Quantum, it is a fictional UI proof of concept I did to simulate a futuristic racing game.
The hoverboard vehicle and racing background it was generated by IA. The real objective it is only the UI elements.
the three first images, are the final result I could get on this project.
Inspired in the arcades, as WipeOut and Fast RMX mostly. I wanted to bring a minimalist approach for the game.
Having the UI less detailed, but yet a stylized, and having the feedbacks, complements with small vfx, tha could be reproduced with particles, in specific, the triangles you see in the component selection. So every 3d element we would show in the screen could be well balanced and not overloaded of info.
Although the yellow color it was something I already had in mind as main focus, I tried different versions to make sure the decision in final results could be the ones that was working the best.
Hope you enjoy this project, thank you for your time.

Wireframe test exploration

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